WORKING ON ELTON'S 'Farewell Yellow Brick Road' TOUR

Rus Anderson performs the role of Elton John for various official ‘Farewell Yellow Brick Road '  world tour projects, promo videos and photos.

Rus was contacted by Elton John & David Furnish who brought him to Los Angeles to film as Elton's body double from the 70's, for a cutting edge visual experience shot in Virtual Reality, including the main promo video for Elton's final tour. Elton's team magically recreated moments such as Elton's US debut gig at The Troubadour, Hollywood in 1970, as well as his LA Dodgers Stadium concert in 1975.  
Rus' performance debuted via livestream to a worldwide audience from Gotham Hall, Manhattan when Elton officially announced the 'Farewell Yellow Brick Road' tour. 
Following the success of the project, Rus was invited to world famous photographer-to-the-stars David LaChapelle’s studio for a major photo shoot with Elton John himself. These artistic photos are used in various areas, including official Elton merchandise and on the big screens at Elton’s concerts.
Here you can view the main promo video, the 'making of' documentary and info on other official Elton projects in which Rus is involved, including Elton's official Roblox video game. Below are a series of behind the scenes photos of the projects so far. 

For Elton John's official playlist of videos for the Farewell tour, click here. 


David LaChapelle

Photo by David LaChapelle, Rus on cart not feeling very well!

Rus on the big screen behind Elton at his final Farewell tour show in Stockholm, Sweden.

Farewell Tour Stage, Rus down & out in the corner!

Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour Launch Video

The Making Of Farewell Yellow Brick Road pt1

Virtual Elton Performs At King's Cross Station In London